TSC-I2 is a software package to provide alternative to traditional gettimeofday() system call, and to provide more precise time at micro-second level. Its components include a user-mode daemon tsci2d, a C library libtsci2 and a set of utility tools as tsci2demo and tsci2measure. Current implementation supports IA32, AMD64 and Power PC architectures, as well as Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
It's name consists of two parts: TSC is the 64 bit register that increments at CPU cycle speed, whose high resolution nature is taken advantage of; Internet2 is a consortium working on advanced next generation internet, who is a sponsor and user of this package. Possible Internet2 applications that will be using tsc-i2 include thrulay and owamp.
See also the project page.
Tarball releases of TSC-I2 are published here on a irregular basis. The lastest release is version 0.08.
Source code of TSC-I2 is hosted on sourceforge.net and can be got through anonymous CVS:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/tsc-xluo checkout -P tsc-xluo
1. Background | 2. Free-running Clock | 3. Periodically Recalibrated Clock | 4. PLL Loop Controlled Clock |
5. Ongoing Work |
Xun Luo(Homepage, Email) is the author of TSC-I2 and maintains all the source codes and documentations. Your bug reports, improvement suggestions and other inputs are greatly welcome and appreciated. Thanks for using TSC-I2!
Supported by Summer of code
Last updated on $Date: 2005/08/29 04:28:43 $ by Xun Luo.